Reminiscing About Willie, Part 3

I've probably mentioned this before with regards to Bo, but one of the funny interactions between the two of them occurred whenever we had thunderstorms or the Fourth of July fireworks. The commonality between thunderstorms and the Fourth is the loud booms. Bo hated the booms and would bark and shiver with fright. The cats aren't fazed by the noises of either occurrences.

But Willie was definitely annoyed with Bo's barking. Whenever Bo barked incessantly after each booming sound, Willie would calmly walk up to Bo and slap him with his clawed paw. It was as if Wille was trying to slap some sense into that noisy dog and shut him up. Of course, despite his long fur, Bo would feel something of the claws and cry out in pain, scurrying away from the annoyed cat.

I've mentioned that Smokey learned some things from his big brother and disciplining Bo is no exception. Sometimes Smokey would slap Bo whenever he barked as added emphasis. I suspect now that Willie is gone, Smokey would take over full duties.

Willie's most endearing qualities were his calm acceptance of allowing his soft, white, furry belly to be rubbed and his loud purring. He was, no doubt, one of the most loving cats I've ever had. Three months after his death I still miss him so very much.

I do not want to get another cat at this time, because that cat would only be a replacement cat. And that would be unfair to it. Perhaps in another two months or so, we'll be ready to accept another cat into this family and give Smokey a new buddy.


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