Thinking About Willie

I have a friend who thinks I should create a web site about Willie. Nice thought, but I think the pets' web site is enough. I could add more photos of him, though.

On Willie's page I talk about how he came to our home. He was one of four kittens born to a cat that my mom fed and allowed her to give birth in the garage. My mom says he was the oldest. The four kittens always stuck together. They ran along the fencetops in line and wriggled through the gaps in the fence boards in line. They even hissed together. lol

When they got old enough, my mom made my brother take one cat, a male he named Dude, and made me take another cat, the orange tabby I named Willie. She kept the other male cat and a female cat who looked like their mother. Somehow my sister got out of getting a cat.

So I took Willie home to meet my other two cats, both females, and our dog, Bo.

Willie more or less got along with the females, though at times he'd try to assert his authority -- however small it was. I decided that he would be the first of our cats to be indoors exclusively, a rule that stands for all of our cats to this day. And I got him neutered as soon as possible, too. That would curb his desire to roam outdoors. In fact, he became such a scaredy cat about being outdoors. Early on, he'd run outside when he got the chance but would stop and crouch in the grass on the front lawn. He didn't know where to go. I think it was the green grass that lured him.

One time we came home from an extended weekend and found Willie outside. Somehow he got out through an open pet door in the garage and was wandering around the house. As soon as he saw us, he bolted to the front door and tried to get in by jumping on the door. Of course it wasn't open nor could he open it anyway. He was so frightened and so were we. We had no idea how long he'd been out.

Nowadays that pet door, which the previous owner of our house crudely cut into the door, stays shut all the time. We also have a good pet door on the door that goes out to the garage from the kitchen. That one is kept open because there's a litter box out there. The only times when the outer pet door is opened is when we have to go somewhere for the day and Bo is outside in the rain. Then the inner pet door is closed off and the litter box comes inside.

More stories about Willie in another installment....


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