To Clone or Not To Clone

Genetic Savings & Clone, a California company, sold its first cloned cat to a Texas woman for $50K. The male kitten, Little Nicky, is a genetic copy of her cat who died in September. Read the full details at Yahoo!News (time sensitive).

Should pets be cloned?

I can understand and empathize with the feelings of owners of cats and dogs who want their beloved pet cloned to live another life again with them. But the big questions are how ethical is this and will this lead to human cloning? There are people who are uncomfortable with humans "playing God" like this. On the flip side, isn't terminating someone else's life also playing God?

I wish I could clone my beloved Willie, but it's too late for that and I don't have the money anyway. Besides, there are many, many cats and kittens in shelters and in foster homes that could use a loving, permanent home. And that is exactly what my husband and I did -- adopt a rescued cat.

More on this story in a later post.


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