Time for a Doctor's Visit

I made an appointment for Willie Saturday but called again Sunday to make another one.Saturday, I wanted him to see the director of the veterinary hospital who's been "his" doctor, but the earliest he could be seen was Wednesday. When I called yesterday, I didn't care who Willie saw because I believe Willie needs to get another enema.

I've been feeding Willie, now by a syringe, watered-down minced canned cat food, because he just makes a mess when he tries to eat from the bowl. He's laying down on his side, stabbing at the food with his mouth and picking up little bits of food that he seems to be chewing. He can't drink water from a bowl now either because he places his face in the water, doesn't lick or lap the water, nearly drowning himself. I give him water by syringe also.

So all the food he's been eating hasn't come out as waste, as much as I put him in the litter box hoping he'd use it. He's been peeing outside of the box as I mentioned in a couple of earlier posts. At least he can still do that. Pee, that is.

I was so tired Sunday -- mentally mostly -- about his condition that I didn't have the energy to think about what to make for dinner for us. For the second night in a row we had take-out. I'll have to do better today. I took some meat out of the freezer Saturday, only to put it in the frig.

I'm beginning to wonder if I made the right decision for him to have that surgery. I wanted so much to have my old Willie back to normal. He's nowhere near that right now. Nowhere near.


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