Bad Janet

The veterinary surgeon's office called over a week ago Thursday and I haven't returned their call. They want an update on Willie. What can I say that hasn't been said before?

He's no better than he was before the surgery. He seems even worse. He doesn't seem to want to walk around. I know it's hard for him because we have mostly hardword flooring where he is allowed to go, so it's very slippery. We only have carpeting in the living room and the bedrooms. Old carpeting to be sure, so we really don't mind if it gets soiled.

Last night he used the litter box and missed the box. He pooped outside of it. Fortunately, we have one of those plastic mats that's supposed to loosen litter from the cat's paws as they exit. It caught the poop as well as the bits of litter.

Then as I was at my computer, I smelled the very strong odor of cat urine. Earlier, I'd put Willie on the bed in the guest room for the night. Apparently before he used the litter box, he peed on the bed. Oh, man! It's nearly 2 AM and I'm washing all the linens from the bed. I'm glad I was still up and I'm very glad the urine didn't soak through to the mattress. Otherwise, I would have been dealing with dried-up urine the next day which I think would be harder to remove.

I don't fault him. I should have placed him next to the litter box to see if he wanted to go before putting him on the bed. He may have been trying to tell me that, but not understanding cat speak...

I've been thinking about buying one of those square toddler play pens, maybe second-hand at a thrift store. They're big, but it'll be just right for holding his litter box, his water and food dishes, some old towels, and him -- if he doesn't attempt to jump out. I can see Smokey jumping in to check it out; maybe even napping next to Willie.

Changing subjects, Bo was barking at a skunk again in the back yard last night. I know the skunk sprayed but apparently Bo was far enough away he wasn't hit with that nasty, smelly spray. I have a huge bottle of skunk junk I got after the last time he was sprayed. Never used it since.

Our neighbor's kid was sprayed by the skunk last week. Fortunate for him, the skunk only got the bottom of his jeans and his socks and shoes.

Oh, the joys of living with nature in the suburbs!


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