Willie's Back Home

He's not home in the way I'd rather see him, but his urn is very nice and I'm glad for this part of the closure. For me, this is the finality. Concrete proof that he's gone.

I hadn't slept well, again, and was anxious to hear from them [the veterinarian]. So I called sometime after 11 this morning. I wanted Willie back home. They said they expect delivery between then and 2 p.m. 2 p.m. came and went and no call. Feeling tired, I laid down on the sofa to catch up on sleep. They finally called not long after I got up after 3. I picked up his urn after doing a little grocery shopping. How bittersweet.

So now I have his urn on the computer desk next to me right now as we listen to a David Gray CD. Bo, our dog, is laying on the floor behind me, as usual. Smokey's been in and out of this room. Tasha is no doubt either laying on the sofa or in my husband's La-Z-Boy. Sarah is sequestered in the master bedroom as usual. I've got all of my "babies" together in the house again.

The sky is so clear and blue, even as the sun begins to lower toward sunset. Willie would have loved this day.


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