Wild Birds

Whether I'm looking out the window in this room or am out in the back yard, I can enjoy seeing many of the wild birds in this area. A lot of that is seasonal, of course, but it's so nice to see anyway.

This morning as I was surfing on the computer, I saw a red headed woodpecker picking at the bark of our neighbor's cypress tree. A little later I saw a brown bird that I assumed to be its mate hopping around on the fence where the male was.

Every now and then, a sparrow or wren (I don't know the difference between the two other than both are small and brownish) comes up to the sunflower seed feeder that we have hanging on the rafters outside the window. They're frequent visitors to our back yard as are chickadees and hummingbirds.

We also see robins, geese, pigeons, Stellar's blue jays, crows, hawks, and mockingbirds (these I hear more often than see.)

I see big birds, too. Mostly Southwest Airlines and United Airlines. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of Federal Express. Oops, wrong kinds of "birds."

Anyway, this area is wonderfully filled with the sounds and songs of birds. I'm glad we keep our cats indoors at all times.


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