New Month; New Features

Blogger added some new things to our accounts including "Comments" for visitors to post. So rather than signing in to our guestbook, which you can still do, you can leave comments on individual blog posts from now on. Unfortunately, the commenting feature does not apply to past posts.

On the pet front, this past weekend my mom and dad got to see Bo with his new "do" and Willie in the same shape as they last saw him a month ago. We had a good though short Mother's Day visit. Our other cats were left behind, but they were all right overnight. I don't think they partied like in that pet litter commercial, although one can never be sure. *s*

Something I noticed today -- Smokey is gaining weight! It can't be all that fur. Before Willie got his condition, Smokey was so skinny. Willie ate everything and more. Now Willie's the skinny one and Smokey is taking over as big dude of the house.

The "girls" are quiet as usual.

Now that it's getting warmer, I need to brush and comb the cats more often. They are shedding their winter coats and it's getting on things. I read on WebMD that pets only need to be brushed once a week. Um, maybe more often for some pets, I think.

My allergies have kicked up these past few days, mostly from the blowing pollen, but maybe even from the dander. Would I give up the cats and the dog because of this? Never! Some things are more important than myself. They are just four of those things.

Take care of the ones you love...


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